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More about Dgraph Alpha

Dgraph Alpha provides several HTTP endpoints for administrators, as follows:

  • /health?all returns information about the health of all the servers in the cluster.
  • /admin/shutdown initiates a proper shutdown of the Alpha.

By default the Alpha listens on localhost for admin actions (the loopback address only accessible from the same machine). The --bindall=true option binds to and thus allows external connections.

Tip Set max file descriptors to a high value like 10000 if you are going to load a lot of data.

Querying Health

You can query the /admin graphql endpoint with a query like the one below to get a JSON consisting of basic information about health of all the servers in the cluster.

query {
  health {

Here’s an example of JSON returned from the above query:

  "data": {
    "health": [
        "instance": "zero",
        "address": "localhost:5080",
        "version": "v2.0.0-rc1",
        "status": "healthy",
        "lastEcho": 1582827418,
        "group": "0",
        "uptime": 1504
        "instance": "alpha",
        "address": "localhost:7080",
        "version": "v2.0.0-rc1",
        "status": "healthy",
        "lastEcho": 1582827418,
        "group": "1",
        "uptime": 1505,
        "ongoing": ["opIndexing"],
        "indexing": ["name", "age"]
  • instance: Name of the instance. Either alpha or zero.
  • status: Health status of the instance. Either healthy or unhealthy.
  • version: Version of Dgraph running the Alpha or Zero server.
  • uptime: Time in nanoseconds since the Alpha or Zero server is up and running.
  • address: IP_ADDRESS:PORT of the instance.
  • group: Group assigned based on the replication factor. Read more here.
  • lastEcho: Last time, in Unix epoch, when the instance was contacted by another Alpha or Zero server.
  • ongoing: List of ongoing operations in the background.
  • indexing: List of predicates for which indexes are built in the background. Read more here.

The same information (except ongoing and indexing) is available from the /health and /health?all endpoints of Alpha server.